


经过近 30 个小时的盘问,自称是比特币化名创造者中本聪的澳大利亚人克雷格·史蒂文·赖特 (Craig Steven Wright) 受到了严厉的批评。这位自称为计算机科学家、经济学家、密码学家、专利作家、作家、律师、牧师、武术大师和数学家(换句话说:寓言家)的人被指控歪曲事实,法官要求他不要切入主题并保持沉默。由他自己的律师。

这是 Node 时事通讯的摘录,该时事通讯是 CoinDesk 及其他领域最关键的加密货币新闻的每日综述。您可以在此处订阅以获取完整的新闻通讯。

多年来,赖特在声称拥有世界上第一个加密货币背后的知识产权后,一直在骚扰和威胁比特币开发商和用户,提起诽谤诉讼和禁言令。非营利性加密货币开放专利联盟 (COPA) 在 2021 年提起诉讼时试图关闭的正是这种“寒蝉效应”——这是迄今为止最激进的尝试,旨在一劳永逸地解决赖特并非他所说的那样的问题。

COPA 的首席律师乔纳森·霍夫 (Jonathan Hough) 在开庭陈词中辩称,自从赖特进入公众视野以来,过去八年里,他犯下了“工业规模”的欺诈行为。在周三结束的盘问中,霍夫指责 CSW 伪造或操纵与比特币开发相关的文件,并误解了赖特据称构建的系统的基础知识。

另请参阅:克雷格·赖特 (Craig Wright) 证人在 COPA 审判中面临有关记忆的问题


审判预计将持续到三月中旬。目前,CoinDesk 已经收集了该案件迄今为止一些最离奇、最愚蠢、最令人头疼的时刻。


The opening statement from Wright’s lawyers, given by Lord Anthony Grabiner, was almost an indictment in itself. Put in the tough position of explaining Wright’s reluctance to show how he can interact with any of the millions of Bitcoin linked to Satoshi (thus easily proving his right to the Satoshi mantle), Grabiner said it was down to “philosophical differences.” Apparently Wright’s “unusual” behavior of flip flopping on whether to sign a transaction, as he pledged to do in 2016, would conflict with Wright’s “core belief” in privacy. Putting aside that Wright lives a very public life, Wright has also criticized the pseudonymous aspects of crypto, saying it’s part of the reason Bitcoin has become a hotbed for crime.

Computer science 101

Wright, who claims to be working towards five PhDs, apparently does not know the very basics of coding. During a cross-examination by Alexander Gunning KC asking about PGP keys and cryptography, Wright was asked about “unsigned integers,” (used essentially to determine whether a string of data will have a + or – prefix), and wasn’t able to. Longtime crypto advocate Michael Parenti noted the unsigned integer function was used over 500 times in the original Bitcoin source code. What was meant to be a routine line of questioning to enter basic facts into the record about the Bitcoin source code may be the single moment remembered for years to come.

As @bitnorbert, who has been following the trial, said on X’:


“If you're not a programmer, perhaps you don't appreciate what a basic thing this is. An average first-semester computer science student should be able to explain this. The judge, with his computer science background, certainly can. This is like having someone who says they're a mathematician not being able to explain what multiplication is.”

Weird insecurities

Wright likes to make himself out to be a workaholic. At one point in the trial he said he has written three patents so far that week, during lunchtimes — on Feb. 13 alone he “wrote two papers.” Thankfully, he has given the courtroom a little insight into what drives him to work tirelessly.

“I keep being told by other people what I can and cannot do. I keep being told I am useless by others. This is one of the reasons I keep getting all these degrees,” he said on the last day of his cross-examination.

If you were thinking that Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in an attempt to better the world, think again. It turns out that he actually had a huge chip on his shoulder and an emptiness inside.

Why lie?

In 2020, Wright published a blog titled “As an Autistic Savant…” that made the case that he was telling the truth about inventing Bitcoin because he had Aspergers (a diagnosis that was retired from the Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 2013).


列出审判中提出的每一个不一致之处都太过分了——COPA 法律团队的主要策略是迫使赖特解释法医证据专家在电子邮件、文件中发现的数百种伪造和操纵迹象。以及提交为证据的计算机文件。

另请参阅:随着 COPA 审判结束,克雷格·赖特交叉询问结束

但仅举两个引人注目的例子,他的语言并不完全“精确”,赖特曾声称他没有 Reddit 帐户,也从未使用过这个流行的留言板网站。嗯,这是他的帐户。

赖特还表示,他伪造了中本聪的 PGP 密钥,也许是错误的。


与此相关的是,赖特否认伪造或剽窃任何提交为证据的文件。他将所带来的一些不一致之处归咎于黑客攻击、错误的互联网连接以及试图将他“陷害”为骗子的人的大阴谋——比如显示与比特币创建有关的文档是使用 Word 2015 制作的元数据。

另请参阅:克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright)抨击“无法验证其工作”的“专家”



热点:克雷格 赖特

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