
克雷格·赖特 (Craig Wright) 终于出庭受审,霍德洛诺特 (Hodlonaut) 正在庆祝


克雷格·S·赖特 (Craig S. Wright) 是个骗子。



这是 Node 时事通讯的摘录,该时事通讯是 CoinDesk 及其他领域最关键的加密货币新闻的每日综述。




赖特的策略“绝对是对司法程序的歪曲和对法律体系的欺诈”,匿名比特币爱好者 Hodlonaut 表示,他有充分的理由庆祝今天的判决。

Hodlonaut 因其在 Twitter 上的卡通猫头像而闻名,五年前,赖特在推特上称这位 53 岁的计算机科学家是骗子和骗子后,被莱特以诽谤罪起诉。



这正是 COPA 试图通过对这位 53 岁计算机科学家提起首起攻击性案件来证明的内容,该案件寻求英国司法系统“否定声明”,证明赖特不是中本聪。




包括涉及 Wright 对比特币白皮书、代码库、数据库权利和据称持有 110,000 个比特币 {{BTC}} 的“郁金香信托”的索赔的其他诉讼在内,Hodlonaut 估计 Wright 在英国已经提起了超过 50 起案件。以此树立榜样,因为这实在是太、太明目张胆了。”Hodlonaut 说道。

COPA 则表示,将把克雷格移送刑事诉讼,这可能涉及他多次作伪证。



“It hasn't always been easy, but I'm very happy that I stood my ground,” Hodlonaut said, adding that he feels vindicated though not surprised by the verdict. “Instead of breaking me they ended up handing me a chance to prove myself a better person. I’m a stronger person now than I was five years ago.”

In fact, Hodlonaut’s defamation case in Norway contributed to COPA’s winning argument — it was mentioned at least 41 times in COPA’s closing argument and was used as evidence throughout the trial to show Wright’s story has changed over the years. The case, which Hodlonaut won, is being appealed but, after today’s verdict, may now be thrown out.

“We’ll see,” Hodlonaut said. He estimated he has spent on the order of $3 million in legal fees fighting off Wright’s libel suits in the U.K. and his native Norway, some out of pocket but most funded by the Bitcoin community. “It’s been going on for five years now — that's five years where I've spent basically a full-time job defending myself,” he added. That’s on top of his actual job at The Bitcoin Advisor custody and security firm.

In many regards, these cases should never have been allowed. The judge overseeing Hodlonaut’s trial noted “The prevailing opinion … has been, and is, that Wright is unlikely to be Satoshi Nakamoto,” and that Hodlonaut “had sufficient factual grounds” to criticize Wright. While McCormack’s judge said Wright had given “deliberately false evidence” — though still awarded him “nominal damages” of £1.

Hodlonaut suggested Wright’s legal campaign was an attempt to “a precedent in the legal system” he could rely on, alongside patent filings, to show he was Satoshi because he didn’t have any actual evidence. “I mean, the only ‘out’ they gave me was for me to apologize and agree that he is definitely Satoshi Nakamoto — the problem for them was that people didn't fold,” he said.

Wright has his supporters — including investors in his fork of Bitcoin, known as Bitcoin SV (for “Satoshi’s Vision), and billionaire benefactor Calvin Ayre. But it’s long been apparent to everyone else that Wright was lying since he burst on the scene with circumstantial or fraudulent evidence trying to pass himself off as Satoshi Nakamoto, the still unknown inventor of Bitcoin.

Despite promising to give "extraordinary proof to an extraordinary claim,” Wright has been unable to provide any evidence he authored the Bitcoin white paper or holds Satoshi’s keys. Instead, over the years his lies have compounded, which allowed COPA to arm itself with countless examples of his “forgery on an industrial scale” with which to ensnare him.

举几个审判中出现的例子:原始白皮书是使用 OpenOffice 制作的,而 Wright 提交证据的版本使用的是 LaTeX 软件;


另一份文件显示了使用 ChatGPT 制作的特征。











热点:克雷格 赖特

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