


In the worst-case scenario, the market may pull back and test 48,000, but I think the probability of breaking through 57,000 next month will be higher. The current market situation is relatively healthy, there is no FOMO sentiment, and a lot of leverage has been removed, so there is no need to worry. The probability of a big crash is small. There is a very high probability that Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin this year, there is no doubt about it. But it should also be noted that after the upgrade in Cancun next month, the second floor will also be adjusted back. Just like was to Shanghai’s upgrade last year.Many fans have asked about currencies in the past. Today I will list the currency information I am observing on the data website for your reference.My style is very simple. I generally use more than 5 currencies, and choose a combination of low market capitalization, low unit price, high circulation volume, and popular tracks. I saw it correctly, attacked the warehouse, and ignored the fluctuations.One last thing to mention, the last bull market ended in December, and the last bull market ended in November, which shows that smart people are becoming more and more shrewd and running faster and faster.So we have to pay close attention and pay attention to this time period in October next year. And in May and June next year, because I saw that many contracts signed by VCs and project parties are for large amounts to be unlocked during this period.I just took a screenshot for your reference. 市场稳定注重未来


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