
Bitcoin Wealth and a Clean Conscience


While moving goods in the warehouse today, the boss and a few of his friends were discussing how they had made hundreds of thousands of dollars a day in Bitcoin, and said that they were treating the warehouse employees to a big dinner tonight to celebrate the money they had made. After I moved a truckload of goods, I asked my boss: Is the Bitcoin you are talking about legal? The boss immediately said, "Move your goods, you don't understand this." I shut up. Although they made money, in my eyes, they were all ill-gotten gains and stinky money. I still worked hard. Moving goods earns me a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan. Although my salary is not high, the money is clean and gives me a sense of security. I feel proud when I think of this! What makes people angry is that the old people delivering food today said they would get off work early and there was no one to deliver food. We got off work at 11 o'clock, so the food delivery was delayed and I was hungry for almost two hours BITCOINWEALTHANDACLEANCONSCIENCE

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