
Ethereum and Bitcoin Market Analysis


It still can’t fall. There is also a gap between Ethereum’s daily currency price and MA5 (the recent rise has been a strong increase in volume against the gap). The current increase in BOLL’s upper track is smaller than the currency price, that is, there is The situation of breaking the position and rising. Ethereum stood firm at green TD9 in 12 hours, and during the period when BOLL had a serious breakout, KDJ continued to rise above the 80 value despite strong pressure. On the 6-hour line, Bitcoin's green TD9 is currently firm and lagging, while Ethereum is continuing to lag behind TD13.So overall, the above-mentioned market and technical indicators are based on short-term retracement adjustments, but everyone knows the recent situation, and the technology is for reference only.The current buying sentiment in the peripheral market is too strong, which has led to the mainstream trend being too strong (in terms of the increase ratio, the increase rate this month has exceeded the increase pace for the entire year of 2021), which has already shown that It was the absolute buying control by large investors that led to a large and strong pull in the market during the month.Judging from the current short-term market, Ethereum and Bitcoin have not yet shown an obvious retracement sentiment, so intraday trading is still bullish on retracements. It is estimated that the intraday currency price will stabilize around 3,500 before moving. Of course, everyone also needs to be careful of dog dealers. Pig killing tray (such as yesterday's sharp pull followed by a quick smashing harvest of about 400 knives).Personally, I estimate that the large-scale correction period for Ethereum and Bitcoin will occur after this month ends, that is, next month. We will wait for the monthly line to finish before making analysis and judgment on the specific situation.


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