


As Bitcoin continues to reach new historical highs, more and more friends are new to the market. They also remind me of my immature self at that time and entered with full expectations. Facing currencies in various sectors and various exchanges, I have bought many altcoins. , dizzy, don’t know how to choose, don’t know how to play, I just buy whatever I hear others buy, I chase the rise and kill the fall, I make and lose, I don’t sell when it goes up, I don’t have the funds to buy when it goes down, and I don’t have the principal to buy. We have missed one cycle after another, and the time cost and opportunity cost are huge. The coins we missed in those years are huge opportunities. This industry needs someone to guide us. Why are there training institutions and teachers in this industry? People who learn must be You can be one step ahead of others, but children from poor families are always one step behind. By the time you realize it, it is too late, and you regret that no one can guide you and teach you. I just came into contact with Bitcoin before, and it was only 300 US dollars, and I didn’t have the confidence to do so. I know, when I came into contact with 5,000 US dollars, fortunately I caught it at this time. If someone had brought me into the industry earlier, I caught it at 300 US dollars. At that time, there was really gold all over the place. Without the accumulation of those years, the time cost was too great. , the missed opportunities can no longer be seized. Even if you just study in those years, you can master many rules. This industry is the place closest to money. It is already very violent. It is a double-edged sword. It can not only make a lot of money but also You can lose a lot of money, and there is no end to learning. There are rules in this industry, just grasp the rules. This community focuses on technical guidance and training, so that more people can have their own trading profit system, have their own independent thinking, and have ideas. If you want to develop in this industry for a long time, you can join the Encryption Academy together and become a star army together. #内容挖矿 0 #热门话题 #ordi。 #sats(SATS) #PEPE‏ $PEPE $MEME $BNB

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