[新闻稿 – 佛罗里达州迈阿密,2024 年 3 月 13 日]
现在,在 Coinbase 的 Layer-2 基础上,PropyKeys 旨在通过允许用户在链上铸造地址和契约来实现房地产投资民主化
PropyKeys 是 Propy 生态系统中的一个杰出项目,以其区块链驱动的房地产解决方案而闻名,今天宣布公开推出其创新的去中心化应用程序 (dApp),使用户能够铸造与有形财产相对应的数字地址。
部署在 Coinbase 的第 2 层网络 Base 上,并由 PRO 代币提供支持,用户可以铸造任何家庭地址或全球地标的数字版本。
为了进一步推进 Propy 实现房地产所有权民主化的使命,PropyKeys 正在区块链上创建一个家庭地址平台和财产契约存储。
在仅限受邀者的 Beta 测试的短短两个月内,PropyKeys 得到了广泛采用,已铸造了 1,600 多个地址,其中包括 300 个全球地标。
通过架起物理领域与数字景观的桥梁,PropyKeys 使用户能够创建现实世界财产地址的数字表示,类似于拥有互联网片段的域名。
PropyKeys 通过从纸质系统转向数字化、算法安全的系统,为财产契约安全制定了新标准。
PropyKeys 联合创始人兼首席运营官 Andrew Zapo 表示:“看到社区渴望与 PropyKeys 合作,这令人非常兴奋,这预示着区块链在房地产领域的光明前景。”
In coordination with the public launch, PropyKeys is releasing a series of new features that provide an engaging and accessible introduction to real world asset (RWA) tokenization. As of today, PropyKeys is launching a staking mechanism, enriching the platform with new incentives. This feature rewards users with PRO tokens—available on Coinbase—for their contribution in minting and safeguarding onchain addresses and onchain title deeds.
Additionally, PropyKeys provides users the ability to mint a personalized AI-generated global landmark NFT such as the White House or Big Ben. Utilizing artificial intelligence, users can create detailed digital renditions of renowned global landmarks. These AI-generated landmarks offer minters a wide array of iconic structures, enhanced by the ability to customize their NFTs such as favorite cryptocurrency logos and styling. This distinctive customization capability transforms each NFT into a unique digital collectible, setting PropyKeys apart in the realm of digital art.
Digital Solutions for Real World Challenges
Addressing the challenges within the real estate sector, Propykeys and Propy’s ecosystem are dedicated to dismantling traditional barriers to entry, such as high title fees and operational inefficiencies. By integrating solutions to make digital ownership more accessible, secure, and user-friendly, PropyKeys aims to revolutionize the $280 trillion real estate market, combating deed fraud and making homeownership more secure and accessible.
“The process of buying or selling a home is overdue for a transformation,” says Natalia Karayaneva, CEO of Propy. “We are proud of the talented team behind Propykeys and happy that they chose Propy ecosystem to build. It amazes me to see how much they achieved to increase the adoption of onchain real estate in such a short period. Paving the way for a future where real estate transactions are as easy as sending an email.”
By offering a dynamic entry point to the Propy ecosystem and facilitating onchain title management, PropyKeys empowers anyone to begin their blockchain-based real estate journey. From minting home addresses to verifying ownership and enabling instant property sales, access to RWA or micro-mortgages, PropyKeys stands at the forefront of the industry’s digital transformation.
For more information, please visit please visit PropyKeys.com
PropyKeys 是 Propy 生态系统中的一个游戏化平台,正在通过区块链技术重新定义房地产所有权。
PropyKeys 于 2024 年 3 月在 Coinbase 的第 2 层网络 Base 上正式推出,允许用户为现实世界的财产铸造数字地址和契约。
通过实现财产地址的数字表示并提供基于区块链的安全财产契约存储平台,PropyKeys 旨在使房地产所有权更容易获得、更安全、更有吸引力。
凭借人工智能生成的具有里程碑意义的 NFT 铸币和新颖的质押机制等功能,PropyKeys 正在为数字时代如何拥有、交易和验证财产设定新标准。
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PropyKeys 正式发布,将链上家庭地址作为新资产类别引入的帖子首先出现在 CryptoPotato 上。