


3 月 14 日,欧洲议会最终批准了欧盟人工智能 (AI) 法——《欧盟人工智能法案》,这是世界上第一套全面的人工智能法规之一。

欧盟议会网站称,《欧盟人工智能法案》将管辖由 27 个成员国组成的联盟,以确保“人工智能值得信赖、安全并尊重欧盟基本权利,同时支持创新”。

根据公告,该法案以 523 票赞成的票数获得通过。


Cointelegraph 在投票前参加了一场虚拟新闻发布会,会上欧盟议会成员 Brando Benifei 和 Dragos Tudorache 向媒体发表了讲话,称这是“我们漫长的人工智能监管道路上的历史性的一天”。



2023 年 12 月,议会经过贝尼菲所说的“漫长谈判”后达成了临时协议,随后内部市场和公民自由委员会于 2 月 13 日以 71 比 8 投票通过了该临时协议。





据 EuroNews 报道,该法案将于 4 月份进行第二次投票,并可能于 5 月份在欧盟官方期刊上发布。

11 月,所有禁止行为的禁令都将开始生效。






根据欧盟网站的说法,“不可接受的风险”是禁止的首要类别,“所有被认为对人们的安全、生计和权利构成明显威胁的人工智能系统都将被禁止,从政府的社会评分到使用鼓励危险行为的语音辅助的玩具” ”。


Elon Musk 在 OpenAI 诉讼正在进行中将 Grok AI 开源

An example of this would include the use of AI-powered remote biometric identification systems to scan faces in public by local authorities.

“High-risk” applications include critical infrastructures, educational or vocational training, safety components of products, essential private and public services, law enforcement that may interfere with people’s fundamental rights, migration and border control management and administration of justice and democratic processes.

“Limited risk” is related to the level of transparency in AI usage. It gives the example of interacting with AI chatbots and the need for users to be aware of interacting with a machine, along with ensuring that AI-generated content is identifiable.

The EU has created a tool called “The EU AI Act Compliance Checker,” which allows organizations to see where they fall within the legislation.

A compliance checker helps organizations determine if the. Source: Risto Uuk on X.

The EU’s AI Act makes space for the “free use” of “minimal-risk” AI, which includes applications such as AI-enabled video games or spam filters.

According to the EU, currently the “vast majority”of AI systems used in the EU are in this category.

AI chatbots

Additionally, provisions for generative-AI models were added by lawmakers with the explosion in popularity and accessibility of AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Grok and Gemini.

General-purpose AI model developers, including local EU startups and some of the bigger names previously mentioned, will need to hand over detailed summaries of the training data used to train such systems and stay compliant with EU copyright law.

Deepfake content that has been generated using AI must also be labeled in accordance with the law as artificially manipulated.

Response from tech companies

Previously, the EU’s AI Act received pushback from local businesses and tech companies who urged authorities not to overregulate emerging AI technologies at the cost of innovation.

In June 2023, executives from 160 companies in the tech industry drafted an open letter to EU regulators outlining the implications on local innovation if regulations are too-strict.

However, upon approving the world’s first comprehensive set of AI legislation, the EU Parliament received praise from the tech giant IBM in a statement from Christina Montgomery, its vice president and chief privacy and trust officer. She said:

“I commend the EU for its leadership in passing comprehensive, smart AI legislation. The risk-based approach aligns with IBM's commitment to ethical AI practices and will contribute to building open and trustworthy AI ecosystems.”

Magazine: Truth behind AI reply guys, Copilot picture panic, Trump deepfakes: AI Eye

热点:人工智能 伯特 法案 的人

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