
Market Booming: Buy the Dip Now


The whole market is booming, do you want to buy the dip now?

Let me recharge my faith and make the most basic judgment: What stage is the market at now? There is no doubt that the fourth halving market as a whole is just the beginning. Bitcoin has broken the highest point of the previous halving market, which is the prelude to the start of this round of market.

The current decline can be seen as a response to the Federal Reserve meeting three days later on March 21, because this month’s U.S. non-farm data and CPI are not ideal. I have said these things in the article before: 3月,继续大涨 or 大幅回调?美联储领衔全球三大央行开会,币圈3月财经日历,告诉你答案。

As for which currency to buy, I have written a lot in previous articles: including the popular new coins that currency friends are most concerned about, the popular old coins, the leaders of various tracks, and public chain special events, etc. You can check it out.

Bitcoin actually didn’t drop much this time. Altcoins, especially popular new altcoins, fell by at least 20-30%. This is what I said before about the new altcoins (broadly speaking, they are the currencies that will be launched after the third round of halving in November 2021). They have no historical burden. They rise violently but also fall violently. Old altcoins hit pressure levels every step of the way when they rise, but there are also support levels when they fall. Each has its own merits.

Therefore, don’t be afraid now. If you dare to fall, dare to buy. The more it falls, the more you buy. You should take a long-term view. The two-year bear market has passed, and you will be trapped for a few more months at most.

What is the biggest risk in Niu Chu? It's not that FOMO chases the highs, but that you don't dare to buy when it falls, and you get washed out of the car instead.


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