
The Abnormal Development of Currency Circle


The current development of the currency circle is still quite abnormal.

Especially in the bull market, when speculation is rampant, bookmakers are seizing on projects such as AI and meme coins that have no real impact and rely entirely on emotion-driven projects.

Leeks are also crazy about driving up prices.

Should we follow the true pearl when it becomes dusty? Of course I should, but in Thirteenth Circle, I have never recommended meme coins to anyone.

Once upon a time, Shisan was also a little prince of a native dog, who followed various types of native dogs crazily. Everyone should have guessed the final outcome, which was too tragic to watch.

So when I see some friends rushing forward on the thirteenth circle, I will advise them to remember to pay out their principal after doubling.

The game of Tugou is actually just a game for bankers to quickly harvest retail investors.

The leek has no power to tie the chicken, and it is impossible to fight against the dealer.

There is even a saying circulating in the currency circle: What the currency circle is most afraid of are those projects that work hard, develop technology, and develop public chains.

Not only is the investment huge, but it is also time-consuming and labor-intensive, and funds will also stay away, because the token systems of these projects often have clear plans, and the hype funds cannot be controlled at all, and it is very difficult to pull the market and destroy the market.

The leeks also look down on the slow rising speed, so they will not follow it at all. There is only this kind of Dogecoin, just issue one randomly, and promote it to 100 influencers on Twitter at the same time, detonating the entire currency circle.

The leeks will get on board like crazy, trying to get the lowest price in the early stages of the project.

Then a miracle occurred, the currency price may have doubled in one minute.

When almost all the leeks are on the train, the market will suddenly take a sharp turn from the high point, and the dealer will start the autumn harvest.

I hope everyone will understand this and try it with a small amount of money when participating.

If you get hooked on this kind of project, be careful, you're not far from the cliff.

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