
RWA Track Tokens Making Waves


3 RWA track tokens will get you ashore this year

It is not a problem to turn 10,000 into one hundred thousand or 100,000 into one million.

The RWA track is now hot thanks to BlackRock’s entry


Ondo (ONDO) stakeholders play a key role in guiding the development of the Ondo DAO, ensuring that its core goal of broadly providing elite financial solutions remains intact. The DAO gives ONDO owners unique privileges regarding Flux Finance and is overseen by the Ondo DAO. Ondo Finance is thrust into the spotlight as BlackRock moves into the tokenization of real world assets (RWA).

2. Mantra (OM)

MANTRA (OM) is a groundbreaking secure RWA layer 1 blockchain designed to seamlessly integrate and comply with existing regulatory frameworks. Designed with institutions and developers in mind, the platform provides a permissionless infrastructure that can easily support licensed applications.

3. Polygon mesh (POLYX)

Polymesh (POLYX), a blockchain designed for regulated asset trading, has seen significant growth following BlackRock’s foray into the tokenized asset market. The platform is intended for institutional use and is governed by its native token POLYX, enabling users to participate in network security through staking, pay transaction costs and contribute to governance decisions.

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