
Market Analysis Report - BTC, ETH, and Shanzhai Analysis


[Market Research Report on April 9th ​​- Things that were confirmed by yesterday's views should be done. The big cake was broken through at the end of the consolidation. The local top position on 7.28 was slightly profitable. What should I do today? 】


1. BTC

No matter when, this month's halving, Ethereum ETF next month, my view this month is mainly based on shocks, so since the callback, my most common sentence is that the contract is more pocketed for swing trading

Spot trading is not intraday, don't think about cutting losses when there is a callback, as long as you are not fully invested, and you are fully invested in one coin, the callback is your opportunity

If you are not sure whether this is a bull market, then there is no way. Since it is certain, how can you cut losses in a bull market?

On the day of 6.39, Bitcoin said that this is the place where it should rebound, but we confirmed the rebound after breaking through 6.65 on the right and stepping back to 6.58.

Give 7.28 a short-term pressure

The rebound target of 7.09 was reached yesterday, and 7.2 has been pierced. Our indicator line 1h ma120 200 line still judges the strength

Intraday, Bitcoin uses 7.09 as a short-term support [above 15m level]

15m level Draw a triangle to sort out and see the direction of the exit

Upward, a new high can be seen within the day

6.84 [ma120 1h line] Key support can intervene in the rebound

Pressure 7.39

2. ETH

Ether has been looking at a rebound since 3280. The day before yesterday, we were still talking about platform adjustment. Continue to look at the rebound, and the target has reached

The current rebound has reached the position of 0.618. Here, following BTC, it can be expected to pull back. Don’t think about chasing it here

The upper pressure is 3850 and the support is 3560 3450

3. Shanzhai

The Shanzhai has been talking about these days

ENA ALT IOTX ETHFI homepage has been talking about it in the morning

Short-term profit part

Weekly spot cost is good, pinch it

[The morning market is synchronized late, some ideas are temporarily not implemented, and the club has already made a callback expectation]


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