Here is BTC journey from when they told us it was a scam to now that the world is scrambling to have a share and it is playing out to be the future of money
2010= 0.01 if you had bought it with only 10$
2012= moderate increase below $100
2013= $732.2
2014 = $1176
2015 =$315.9
2016 = $985.2
2017 = $20089
2018 = $6489.5
2019 = $8473.21
2020 = $29378.5
2021 = $68789.63
2022 = $48,086.84
2023 = $44705.........1/12/2023
Please note this are esteemated price as some days in the year had very similar prices..
also what do you think will be the peak price for 2024......?
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