




  • 例如:

    埃及象形文字(公元前 1900 年)——在 Khnumhotep II 的墓穴中,考古学家发现了与标准符号不同的不寻常象形文字。虽然这不是一种复杂的代码,但这种刻意的模糊性表明早期试图隐藏含义,暗示了密码思想的起源。

中世纪法典和密码的兴起(公元 1400 年代 - 1800 年代):

  • 例子:

    Scytale(古希腊)——这种巧妙的装置早在公元前 5 世纪就被使用,它提供了一种简单而有效的安全通信方法。想象一下一根木棍(scytale),上面缠着一条羊皮纸条。


密码破译者和现代密码学的诞生(19 世纪 - 20 世纪 40 年代):

  • 例子:


Enigma 使用带有内部有线连接的转子来替换字母,因此极难破解。然而,随着波兰数学家 Marian Rejewski 及其团队的出色表现,形势发生了逆转。



  • 示例:

    公钥加密(20 世纪 70 年代)——计算机的发明彻底改变了许多领域,包括加密。公钥加密于 20 世纪 70 年代开发,是安全通信领域的一次范式转变。与各方共享单个密钥的传统方法不同,公钥加密使用一对密钥:公钥用于加密,私钥用于解密。

Anyone can encrypt a message with the public key, but only the recipient with the corresponding private key can decrypt it. This eliminates the need for pre-shared secret keys, making secure communication more accessible and laying the foundation for secure digital transactions and communication protocols like HTTPS.

Imagine a super secure mailbox system:

  • Public Key (Mailbox): This is like a widely shared address or public mailbox anyone can send to. You can give this key (address) to anyone you want to send you encrypted messages.

  • Private Key (House Key): This is your super secret key that only you keep. It unlocks the messages sent to your public key mailbox.

The Process:

  1. Someone encrypts a message with your public key, scrambling it like a locked box.

  2. They send the locked box (encrypted message) to your public address (public key).

  3. Only you can unlock the box with your private key, revealing the original message.

Cryptography Today: A Digital Ecosystem

Cryptography secures our digital world, from online transactions and messaging to device data. Even cryptocurrencies rely on it. As technology advances, so does cryptography. New threats like quantum computing are addressed by post-quantum cryptography, ensuring our information stays protected. In a world ever more connected, cryptography remains essential for safeguarding our digital lives.

From Shadows to Sunshine: How Cryptography Unlocked the Potential of Web3

Web3, the vision of a decentralized internet built on blockchains, promises a revolution – a web where users own their data, transactions are transparent, and interactions are secure. But what breathes life into this vision? The answer lies in the shadows, in the silent language of cryptography.

Cryptography: Web3’s Silent Hero

This is where cryptography steps in, acting as the invisible hero of Web3. It provides a powerful set of tools that unlock the potential of a decentralized web:

  • Fort Knox Security: Cryptography ensures the secure and tamper-proof nature of transactions on blockchains. Public-key cryptography, with its key pairs, allows users to encrypt messages and verify identities without relying on trusted third parties. This empowers individuals to control their financial interactions in Web3 applications like decentralized exchanges (DEXs), where trust is replaced by cryptographic verification.

  • Data Liberation: Web3 is all about user ownership. Cryptography empowers users to take control of their data. Techniques like zero-knowledge proofs allow verification of information without revealing the actual data itself. Imagine proving you’re over 18 to access age-restricted content without revealing your date of birth. This offers users greater privacy and control over their data footprint within Web3 ecosystems.

  • Smart Contracts: Code as Law

Web3 严重依赖智能合约——存储在区块链上的可自动执行的协议。加密技术确保这些合约的不变性(不可更改的性质)和安全性。代码一旦部署,就无法篡改,从而保证无需中介即可公平安全地执行协议。想象一下通过智能合约购买汽车,所有权在付款确认后自动转移。

  • DAOcracy:加密治理

Web3 经常使用去中心化自治组织 (DAO)。在这里,加密技术也发挥着至关重要的作用。它促进了 DAO 内的安全投票和决策过程,确保了透明度并防止了操纵。想象一下与其他用户共同拥有一个平台,其中由加密技术提供支持的安全投票决定了它的未来。

Web3 的加密未来

Web3 仍在建设中,加密世界也在不断发展。以下是未来发展的一瞥:

  • 同态加密:黑暗中的洞察

这项新兴技术允许在加密状态下对数据进行操作。想象一下在区块链上分析医疗数据而不损害患者隐私。同态加密可以通过实现安全和私密的数据分析来彻底改变 Web3,为数据驱动的应用程序释放新的可能性。

  • 后量子保护:保障未来



密码学不是魔法,但对于 Web3 来说,它或许也是魔法。它赋予用户权力,在去中心化环境中培养信任,为更安全、用户可控的互联网未来铺平道路。随着 Web3 继续从梦想走向现实,密码学将继续走在最前沿,默默地塑造我们在线互动和交易的方式。

热点:比特币公钥 比特币密码 虚拟币密码

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